Clinic Hours: Mon-Tue: Telehealth only; Wed: 1pm-5pm; Thu-Fri 8am-5pm; Sat 9am-4pm; Sun 9am-12pm

Ask for a consultation: (07) 3219 9521 or 0478 531 684

We are here to make a difference.

You can contact us by calling us on (07) 3219 9521, or 0478 531 684.

Our fax number is (07) 3219 9562.

Alternatively, you can email us directly at

Kuraby Wellness Centre

10 Strathmore Street
Kuraby, QLD, 4112


If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency, please contact 000 immediately. Professional support is always available when things become too much. You can contact any of the services below to speak confidentially with a trained counsellor.

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Mental Health Access Line: 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255)

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636